Welcome to the official Vrenes NPC blog! Once every month, a new, in-character blog entry will be written for each of the NPCs. They're short, but will hopefully help you get to know some of them!
To travel to each character's about page, click on their pixel icon on the left! Once you're on their about page, click on their large character icon to be taken to their blog page!

꒰01.sept꒱ Site launched


24 | ENFP | They/Them | Bi
Legend Faction Leader ~ Diarene Friend

Hi! I'm Aspen, Legend Faction Leader!! I've been a leader for over a year now, and my faction always makes me so proud when we come back from a competition! Win or lose, it's always a fun time! Although, winning is always the best. I do my best to make sure everyone in the Legend Faction is having fun!

Things I like
chill music
𖧧 nature

FINALLY the snow has started melting in Myth City. It's been rainy lately which has helped wash it away! I'm not a fan of the rainy season, but that just means summer is right around the corner! I love summer, it's always the best time to travel and play on the beach~ I've always been a fan of the beach since I was a kid and I haven't been in ages. Building sandcastles and playing in the waves is so nostalgic to me, I've GOTTA make time this summer to go do that! (* ouo)9
I'm not going to lie and say last month wasn't rough for me, it was. But the start of a new month is the perfect time to leave that in the past and move forward! No more sad Aspen, I'll push forward and make more happy memories!! I'll take Ash with me and we'll have a blast playing and training as we always do. Hey! You know May's going to have a big Faction Event again, right? Legend Faction, you better be practicing your fighting skills! We've got a lot more experience with that this time, don't we? We're gonna place 1st this time for sure! You know, I don't remember the last time I picked up a sword. Anyone wanna practice swordfighting with me?? Ow< You know where to find me if you do!!

Valentine’s Day is today! I hope everyone is celebrating well today! :D Everyone I know has some sort of plans, even the single friends. They told me I should take a spa day or something like that for myself. I’m seriously considering it!! I’m not a spa person, but pampering myself sounds like fun… I was told I should focus on myself instead of trying to find someone else in a rush just to not be alone tonight. Bijou is so wise… Ahh, but I think she’s right. I’ll take some time for myself today!
I’ve actually got plans to meet with my former mentor, Finch. They’re real cool, I seriously admire them. I’ve also got some… stuff… I wanna ask them about. Selene said some stuff last time we hung out that left me seriously thinking, and Finch knows about that situation. They’ll know what to do… hopefully. I’m kinda tired of leaving it to die, but I’m not sure if the… person wants to resolve things. Well, no matter. Just getting to see Finch again will make my day brighter~ I can’t wait to see them!

December's finally over... Thank god, it felt like the month just kept dragging on for me. ( TT~TT) That also means HAPPY NEW YEAR!! May 2024 be better than last year for everyone else who's 2023s weren't so great!! We can work together to make it a better year for all of us!
The year was kinda... yeah, like that for me too. It kinda sucks Legend Faction lost completely during this Faction event, but I think next time we can do a whole lot better! There's always room for improvement, even for the winners! So we can just take this in stride and focus on the future rather than everything else that's happened.
I'm looking forward to all the things I have planned in the New Year! It's exciting! :D OH I KNOW Does anyone wanna come set off some fireworks with me? In a safe location, of course!! I know there's not a lot of safe places in Myth City to do that with how many trees there are... we could take a trip out to the beach over in Fruta instead! I know some people there that can help us out!! Let's do it! :D

The blizzard that came through from the north has cooled things down significantly here in Myth City. I... actually don't really like the cold too much. =_= Not only is it, well... FREEZING... but it brings sad memories with it. Seasonal depression, maybe. It gets way too dark fast and I find myself feeling a bit lonely... ;-; Ahh, but I don't want to get too down for this update!! After all, Gift Wars has started and everyone is full of energy! I'm trying my best to be full of energy too!! Just can't wait for the snow to melt, if it does before spring at all.
I had a lot of fun in Gift Wars in previous years, though I would plan with someone else for them. It was a whole thing, too! We had like, spreadsheets and hit lists, a whole production! One year we were even the highest-scoring participants! That someone else doesn't do faction stuff anymore, though. Ah... uhm. W-well! Good luck, Legend Faction! I'm rooting for everyone! I'll bring a tray of cookies next week to bring up moral!! Yeah!! :D

November is one of my personal favorite months~ All the trees turn beautiful shades of orange and red, and lots of yummy fall recipes start finally getting made! Pumpkin pies are some of my favorite things in the world. Not to mention the Acorn Harvest is finally starting!! That's one of the most fun things to do in the fall. Hmm? Just me? Ah-- well... I just like rummaging through the fall foliage to see what I can find~ Mushrooms are fun to collect too, you know!!
I ought to try my hand at baking, this year! A lot of Vrenes hold special feasts this time of year, so maybe I could hold my own and invite everyone over! I'm a great chef, everyone should be honored I let them eat my food! Yeah, I'll do that this month! Wish me luck!

All of the Vrenes in Vrenes' Keep are getting into the festive spirit! You know exactly what I'm talking about; creepy skeletons, cute ghosts, and pretty witches everywhere! Halloween is such a fun holiday, I can't wait for the end of the month to get here already... I want to wear a fun costume too! :D
Selene wants to do some kind of matching costume with someone, but I already have mine laid out. I spent a long time making it, so I don't really want to pass on wearing it. The lessons from Diamond are finally paying off! I think... He'd get mad if he found out I posted that though lolol xD

Summer is finally ending, and I'm kinda sad about it. I mean, I'm not that much of a fan of the cold. I'm glad we're close to the coast, that keeps us a little warmer for longer in the year, but that's not saying much at all. Winter can be such a sad season where nothing grows or blooms...
Well, if there's any upside to the warmth leaving the weather... I guess it's all the holidays coming up! There's a lot to look forward to, the other Faction Leaders have been talking about the next big Faction Event. :3 I'd get in trouble for saying more, but I can't wait to write about it-- AH SIRIUS IS ABOUT TO WALK IN GOTTA GO BYE--


23 | ESFJ | She/Her | Pan
Lore Faction Leader ~ Meirene Queen

The name's Bijou, Lore Faction Leader! Write about myself, huh? Well, I've been a Faction Leader for a year and a half at this point. Excited to reach that two-year mark! I love the members of my faction, y'all are so cute! If any of you have any problems, or those other factions are giving you a hard time, come find me! I'll give Aspen a talking to-- or I guess any of the other faction leaders.

Things I like
୨୧ fancy things
playing guitar
𖧧 traveling

I've never been a fan of drama or anything like that, but I've been picking up the sense that there's something off over the past month. I mean, yeah. We're kinda in the middle of planning another big event and all, but Aspen hasn't been themself for a little while. Selene's acting weird, and Diamond is hard to get a hold of... more than usual, at least. I don't really want to get involved, but I'm worried about my friends. I wonder if I should at least ask...? Diamond doesn't like people prying into his business, though. Oddly enough, that could have been what happened already. Ahhh, I wish I could read minds! :'( I hate seeing my friends so upset...
It's even springtime now too! That's always the happiest part of the year, where you feel refreshed and start anew. Leave what troubles you in the winter and make something you love in the summer! Let go, and all that. Oh, I know! I'll invite Selene on a small trip and we'll talk as we always do~ Maybe she's just been overworking herself. At the very least, I'll let her know I'm always here! And then maybe I'll do the same for Aspen and then visit Diamond... gahhh I just wanna give them all a hug! Wish me luck, I'll do what I do best~!

Good Morning everyone, and happy Valentine’s! I hope everyone is celebrating fun and safe! I for one have a hot date set up for later tonight~ I’m looking forward to it, though I do keep my expectations low. I met them through a dating app, so this is my first time meeting them face to face. I’ll admit I’m a little nervous, but if it works out, it works out! Meeting someone new is always nerve wrecking~
I know Aspin has trouble with meeting new people. They wanted to try the dating app too, but I told them to relax tonight instead. They seem troubled now-a-days, but if they ever want to talk about it, then I’m here to listen. Aspin is Aspin, they’ll pull through like they always do! Speaking of, I need to make sure they got my present today. I sent them flowers to hopefully cheer them up some more! I sent everyone else candies, I know everyone’s favorites so I made sure to have plenty to go around~ I heard from Sirius earlier today. He’s a little softie, once you get to know him. He’s so sweet! The only person I haven’t heard from is Diamond. I’ll have to make sure to reach out. We don’t talk regularly, but once a Faction Assistant, always family! That’s what I say, anyways. I got him some hot chocolate, I hope he like it. Aspin told me once he loves hot, sweet drinks like that! :)

Happy New Year, Loves! I hope everyone had a fun, and safe, New Years~ The holidays were quite fun for me, personally. I got to see some of my siblings for the first time in ages when we got together for the holidays~ It's been hard to find time to spend with them recently, and seeing them again only makes me sad to realize that.
I think in 2024 I want to work on finding more free time to spend with the people I love. I adore what I do, but I miss my family, and I want to hang out with my friends as well! I hope I get to do that this year.
Oh, and good job Lore Faction! We scored second place in the Gift Wars this year! Second place is nothing to scoff at, so good job! Let's bring this energy and amplify it in the next Faction event to bring home the gold!

We've finally gotten to the end of the year! At long last, Christmas is right around the corner~ I do so love seeing everyone get all festive and excited! Gift Wars? It's fun and all, I just prefer the romance of a warm night cuddled up next to the fireplace with that special someone~ ♥ Though, I'm sure Lore Faction will put up a good fight during the Gift War this year, right? ;)
There's a cafe not far from my town house that starts serving my favorite hot chocolate this time of year. There's always a special going on this time of year too, just makes savoring it all the more sweeter~ They actually sell a lot of nice drinks there. Does anyone else ever go there? The person who runs the place is as sweet as can be, even if they're a little aloof. I definitely recommend it for anyone looking for something refreshing!

It's that time of year, again! Time for our annual Gift Wars competition from the Factions! This one was always one of my favorite competitions, I got to participate in it from both sides of the Faction~ A regular member and a leader. I still remember my first one, not many people gave me gifts but I went all out, myself! I even got some Vrenes on Lore Faction gifts, as well. Now suddenly, I had a target on my back the following years! It would have been easy to be crushed under the pressure. Yet here I am!
Just remember to stay safe during the competition, everyone. It's all for fun~ Be sure to find your respective Faction Leaders if anyone gives you grief about this whole thing!

September felt like it was going on forever. It was actually pretty exciting; I met a lot of new Vrenes from all over! Lots of them joined the Lore Faction, which I'm forever grateful for! Y'all really know how to make a girl feel loved. However, that also means the other factions ended up with more members too. Let's keep up our momentum, Lore Faction! We'll out-pace them, no doubt!
Oh yeah, I guess Halloween is right around the corner. A lot of Vrenes are getting restless waiting for the holiday, I've seen plenty start dressing up already whenever they come in! I think it's cute, y'all are so creative with those costumes of yours. I was wondering what I should wear this year, any suggestions? Hmm... maybe I'll ask some of the other leaders what their plans are this year for ideas.

When Selene came to me and said, "Let's write a blog!", I wasn't sure what to think. I mean, aside from, "Cute!" She's like a puppy whenever she gets an idea she really likes, sometimes. Still, I've never done something like this. I'm not quite sure what to write?
Well, I guess it's good news that Lore Faction has been gaining some new members, recently. I heard from Sirius that a migration of Vrenes has been happening lately. It's actually been fun getting to meet a lot of new faces from all over! Our faction is as strong as ever, so let's keep up the good spirits, y'all!


25 | ENFJ | She/Her | Lesbian
Fable Faction Leader ~ Phirene Cutie Pie

I'm Selene, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintence! Most of my time is dedicated to my favorite hobbies, like music, art, magic... ah, I guess running Fable Faction is also up there. I end up having to spend a lot of time doing faction things like running and organizing events... aaahh when can we combine them with fun stuff like music? The other faction leaders get pretty serious about this stuff, but we should all just relax and enjoy the ride, you know??

Things I like
୨୧ sanrio
𖧧 spring flowers

Aspen has been so sad last month and Diamond won't respond to me!! I really wasn't trying to do this... I just thought-- OH Diamond sent me a message!! He... just sent me his blog entry for this month. (TT~TT) How do I fix this...? I don't wanna ask Sirius, he'd just sigh and tell me I'm being dumb. And maybe I am!! But I hate it when my friends are fighting. I just want everyone to get along...
Well, this month is going to be the month I clean this mess up! I don't care what it takes!! Yeah, I'll fix everything and then everyone can be happy for summer! I need to think of the PERFECT plan though, I can't just rush in like I did before. Ahh Sirius is so good at planning stuff like this, but there's gotta be someone else who can help out! Anyone but him!
...eh? Bijou texted me! I'll have to cut this blog entry short, sorry! Bi-bi wants to talk, hehe >w<